Policy Fora
Turkey: Elections and Beyond

Friday, Jun 12 2015
Turkey completed in June 7 an intensive and decisive electoral cycle that started with the municipal elections in March 2014, went through the Presidential ones in August 2014 and ends with the election of the new Parliament. This period has coincided, firstly, with a deterioration of the regional situation in the Middle East (Syria, Iraq, the rise of the self-appointed Islam State) and, secondly, with a European Union that it is still struggling to overcome its multi-faceted crisis.On June 12 2015, CITPAX, CIDOB and the Friends of Turkey in the European Parliament - with the support of the Ba Read more...
Public Event
The New Regional Role of Iran in Taming Violence in the Middle East

Monday, Mar 2 2015
On 2 March 2015, the Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax) with the support of the Canadian Embassy in Spain and in cooperation with the IE School of International Relations and Esglobal, organised a conference under the title: “The New Regional Role of Iran in Taming Violence in the Middle East”. Dr. Ramin Jahanbegloo, Associate Professor of Political Science in the University of Toronto and Roberto Toscano, former Ambassador of Italy to Iran, analysed the position and the expectations of Iran the current context of growing sectarian violence in the region.
Policy Fora
UNIFIL: An Assessment in the Light of the Current Political and Military Contexts II
Monday, Nov 17 2014
On 17 November 2014, the Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax) in cooperation with the Office of the Secretary General for Defense Policy (SEGENPOL) of the Spanish Ministry of Defense, organised a round-table under the title: “UNIFIL: an assessment in the light of the current political and military contexts II”.Brigadier-General (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, from the Ministry of Strategic Affairs of Israel and Shlomo Ben Ami, Vice-president of CITpax and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, presented their analysis of the current situation in Lebanon and the Middle East in the li Read more...