Public Event November, 17, 2009

Madrid, Instituto Universitario “General Gutiérrez Mellado”
CITpax have presented, on November 17th, the report “New Security Paradigms” at the Instituto Universitario “General Gutiérrez Mellado”. The “Research Group on Wider Security” – jointly coordinated by CITpax and the Spanish Institute of Strategic Studies – is responsible for this work. The report describes the evolution of the security concept to present and compares the national security strategies of Canada, France, United Kingdom and The Netherlands. It also analyses the different security models developed in the framework of the United Nations, the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union.
The report describes the evolution of the security concept to present and compares the national security strategies of Canada, France, United Kingdom and The Netherlands.
After the presentation of the report a seminar with security and defence experts was having place. The experts contributed with their views and proposals to the development of security concept modern, comprehensive and sustainable.
This project was possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Directorate General of Institutional Relations of the Spanish Ministry of Defence, and its goal is to bring closer to the citizenship the Spanish culture of security and defence, including the contribution of its Armed Forces to peacebuilding missions abroad.
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See Also
Security sector reform: a new area for Spain’s action abroad
Public Event July, 3, 2008